

Anunci de vaga 8 de març

Notice of strike March 8th

Due to the general strike on March 8th, Montserrat rack railway and funicular service cannot be guaranteed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Bill Viola al Museu de Montserrat

Bill Viola at the Museum of Montserrat

The Museum of Montserrat shows, until 6th of January 2020, one work by Bill Viola (New York, 1951), one of the most important artist of videoart around the world. Viola use with mastery the sophisticated audiovisual technologies in order to explore and express a constant concern by the nature of human beings and a the transcience of life.   The work that can be seen in the Montserrat Museum is untitled Observance (2002) and it has been located on the ground floor of the museum. The installati...
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Absència Escolania (3-11-2019)

Coro de Rapazes de Montserrat ausência (3-11-2019)

O Coro de Rapazes de Montserrat (Escolanía) não cantará na 3 de novembro. Sábado 2 vai cantar  por ocasião da Missa funebre.
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Jaume Plensa a Montserrat

Jaume Plensa in Montserrat

Jaume Plensa is presenting a double exhibition approach in Montserrat. The Barcelonian artist has installed a big size sculpture in the Basilica’s atrium. Additionally, a selection of Plensa’s recent graphic art will be displayed at Espai d’Art Pere Pruna until November 3rd.   His sculpture in the middle of the atrium depicts a head made of stainless steel thread, transparent but visible, in his interest for the body and the soul. The idea of a portrait adopts an original attitude in which wh...
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Carreteres d’accés al Santuari 31/8/2019

Access to Sanctuary 2019/08/31

Due to the pass of the ciclists of ‘La Vuelta a España’, on August 31 traffic on the access roads to the Nature Park and Monastery of Montserrat will be affected. Between 2.45 and 5 pm the roads BP-1101, BP-1103 and BP-1101 will be closed and you will not be able to enter or leave the Monastery and/or access the Nature Park. If you plan to access or leave the Sanctuary at this time, you can usse the transport service of Rack Railway or Cable Car .
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Tancament de l'accés al Cambril de la Mare de Déu

Black Virgin timetable on 5th October

On 5th October, the throne of the Virgin will be closed at 18:15 h.
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