
The Museum of Montserrat closes for works from January 2 to March 17
The Museum of Montserrat will remain closed from January 2 to February 28, 2023. During this time, the air conditioning of all the rooms of the permanent exhibition will be renovated and, in parallel, works will also be carried out to adapt the new spaces below the Plaça de Santa María for the future expansion of the Museum itself.

Nieobecność dziecięcego chóru kościelnego
Dziecięcy chór kościelny w Montserrat nie będzie śpiewał w okresie od 8 do 18 Listopada (włącznie), ze względu na tournée po Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Prevention measures against the spread of Covid-19
Montserrat, as a whole, has been working on the reopening of its premises and facilities during the last months, in accordance with the health authorities’ guidelines in order to observe prevention measures against COVID-19 and ensure a safe visit.
These measures include:
· Reinforcing cleaning and disinfection programmes on indoor and outdoor areas of the sanctuary.
· Limiting numbers on public transportation (Cremallera rack railway and Aeri cable car) and parking spaces.· Limiting nu...

Boys' choir absence spring 2020
The Boys' choir will not sing in Montserrat in accordance with preventive measures taken by the health authorities against COVID-19.

Preventive measures against COVID-19
In accordance with preventive measures taken by the health authorities (Resolution SLT / 737/2020 of the Department of Health, for the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2), the following establishments will remain closed: Museum, Audiovisual Room, coffe-shop (la Cafeteria), souvenirs shop (la Botiga), Restaurant and Buffet Montserrat.
Hostal Abat Cisneros and Supermarket (Queviures) will remain open to offer minimum services.
We want to remember that, as is customary, all...

Montserrat’s Monastery’s announcement
In accordance with preventive measures taken by the health authorities, the capacity of Montserrat’s Basilica is being reduced to a maximum of 300 persons, which corresponds to a third part of its total capacity. Additionally, various events planned for the coming days have been cancelled.
In the same vein, according to our previous information, guidelines given by the different ecclesiastic authorities about the acts of worship have already been implemented. In particular, the image of Our Lad...