

VII Festival Internacional Orgue de Montserrat

VII Festival Organistico Internazionale di Montserrat

Consolidato tra i festival dell’estate musicale a casa nostra, i quattro concerti dell’edizione di quest’anno, hanno luogo sempre di sabato 24 giugno, 15 luglio, 12 agosto e 9 settembre alle 21:00, nella Basilica di Santa Maria di Montserrat. Come sempre l' ingresso  è  libero.   See attached the program.
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Elisa Arimany al Museu de Montserrat

Elisa Arimany at Montserrat’s Museum

Montserrat’s Museum presents a retrospective look at the work of sculptor Elisa Arimany (Sant Vicenç de Castellet (Barcelona), 1946).  The Strength of an Idea , as it has been titled, is curated by Francesc Miralles, and shows 18 works from the artist’s personal collection.  They portray the essence of her sculptural work: some works of the series Pressures, along with pieces of the series Cathedrals, exemplify the humanism that emanates from all her work: the Opression and the freedom together...
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Accés al Santuari de Montserrat

Access to Montserrat’s Sanctuary

Snow chains are required to access Montserrat through roads BP-1121 from Monistrol and BP-1103 from El Bruc. If you wish to come, it is recommended to avoid using the car and take the rackrailway (Cremallera) instead.
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Aeri de Montserrat: Tancat per manteniment

Funivia de Montserrat: chiuso per manutenzione

La Funivia di Montserrat resterà chiusa per la manutenzione il 31 gennaio. Ci scusiamo per il disagio.
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Escolania 3 i 4 de febrer

Boys’ Choir on February 3rd-4th

Because of the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica the Boys´Choir will sing Saturday, 3rd March, during the Mass at 11 am and the prayer Salve and Virolai at 12 o’clock.   The Choir will not be in Montserrat on Sunday 4th March.
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VI Festival Internacional Orgue de Montserrat

VI Festival Internazionale di Organo di Montserrat

Questi concerti saranno trasmessi in diretta via radio Montserrat (100,6FM / e Montserrat TV (  Ulteriori informazioni:
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