

VIII Festival Internacional Orgue de Montserrat

8th Montserrat’s International Organ Festival

            The 8th Montserrat’s International Organ Festival. Abbot Cassià M. Just, in memoriam (FOUM)  presents a rich and diverse programme –classical and innovative- with touches of openness to new proposals, with a truly international musical level. According to its musical director, F. Jordi-Agustí Piqué, the will of the FIOM 2018 is ‘to explore new artistic possibilities of sound that include different tastes, multiple sensitivities and a varied audience’. The FOUM’s eighth editio...
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Exposició de la ceramista Maria Bofill al Museu de Montserrat

Ceramicist Maria Bofill at Montserrat’s Museum

Espai d’art Pere Pruna, at Museu de Montserrat (MDM), houses –until June 24th- the exhibition  Muntanyes de l’ànima  (Soul Mountains), by ceramist Maria Bofill. Curated by Anna Pujadas, in this exhibition Maria Bofill (Barcelona, 1937) focuses on the mountain, keeping always in mind Montserrat’s mountain: her life’s mountain, since it is in her country, it is part of her landscape, so it is her soul mountain.   Bofill offers ceramics mountains, sometimes literally, miniatures of mountains in...
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Notice of strike for 12th December

Due to the general call for strike in Catalonia's public sector for 12th December , you are informed that the rack train and the funiculars of Montserrat will be closed throughout the day, This strike affects all rack train services between Monistrol and Montserrat and all funiculars services. Sorry fot the inconvenience.
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Tancament dels funiculars

Chiusura dei funicolari

A causa della revisione resteranno chiusi: funicolare di Sant Joan dal 2 novembre 2017 al  16 marzo 2018 e funicolare della Santa Cova fino a nuovo avviso.
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Alteracions en el servei de Cremallera de Montserrat el 15 de novembre

Annuncio di sciopero del treno a cremagliera e del trasporto funicolare di Montserrat: 1 ed 6 gennaio

A causa dello sciopero convocato dai delegati del personale addetto al funzionamento del treno a cremagliera di Montserrat per i giorni 1 ed 6 gennaio, informiamo i visitatori che il servizio di trasporto a cremagliera e funicolare di Montserrat resterà chiusi per tutta la giornata. Lo sciopero interessa tutti i trasporti del treno a cremagliera fra Monistrol e Montserrat e quelli delle funicolari. L’orario del Funivia il fine settimana sarà dalle 9:40 alle 18:15. Ci scusiamo per i disagi.  
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General strike - 3rd of October

Due to the general strike of October 3, the establishments of the Sanctuary of Montserrat will offer minimum services. For inquiries, please call +34 93 877 77 77.
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