

Tancament de transports per revisió anual

Chiusura dei trasporti di Montserrat per la revisione annuale

I seguenti trasporti resteranno chiusi, a causa della revisione annuale, nelle seguenti date:           - AERI DE MONTSERRAT (FUNIVIA DI MONTSERRAT): Dal 8 gennaio al 29 febbraio   - FUNICOLARE DI SANTA COVA (SANTA GROTTA):  Dal 8 gennaio al 29 febbraio e dal 8 al 26 gennaio e dal 17 al 25 febbraio aperto solo nei fine settimana. In questi giorni la cappella di la Santa Cova resterà aperta con orario invernale: dalle 10:30 alle 15:30.   - FUNICOLARE DI SANT JOAN:  Dal 8 al 26 gennaio...
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Pla Alfa 3 | Accessos al Santuari oberts - Camins de muntanya tancats

Alpha Plan 3 | Access to the Sanctuary open - Closed mountain paths

As a result of the current weather conditions and high potential risk of forest fires, is activated level 3 Alpha Plan: ACCES CONTROL TO MOUNTAIN of Montserrat, for April 1 and 2, 2023.           The access to Sanctuary by road, Cable Car and Rack Railway will be opened.     The funiculars (Sant Joan and Santa Cova) will be closed.   It is not possible to access to the Nature Park and the entrances to the Park from the Monastery will be closed. 
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El Museu de Montserrat tanca per obres del 2 de gener al 17 de març

The Museum of Montserrat closes for works from January 2 to March 17

The Museum of Montserrat will remain closed from January 2 to February 28, 2023. During this time, the air conditioning of all the rooms of the permanent exhibition will be renovated and, in parallel, works will also be carried out to adapt the new spaces below the Plaça de Santa María for the future expansion of the Museum itself.
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Absència de l'Escolania

Assenza dell'Escolania de Montserrat

Il coro dell'Escolania non canterà dal 8 al 18 novembre (entrambi i giorni compresi) a causa di un tour in USA..
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Mesures de prevenció contra la propagació de la Covid-19

Prevention measures against the spread of Covid-19

Montserrat, as a whole, has been working on the reopening of its premises and facilities during the last months, in accordance with the health authorities’ guidelines in order to observe prevention measures against COVID-19 and ensure a safe visit.     These measures include: · Reinforcing cleaning and disinfection programmes on indoor and outdoor areas of the sanctuary. · Limiting numbers on public transportation (Cremallera rack railway and Aeri cable car) and parking spaces.· Limiting nu...
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Absència de l'Escolania primavera 2020

Boys' choir absence spring 2020

The Boys' choir will not sing in Montserrat in accordance with preventive measures taken by the health authorities against COVID-19.
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