Millennium mottoes

The prayer is the summit of this motto and is also the summit of life. It teaches us to step out of ourselves and transcend toward the God of Jesus Christ, who is the true Beauty, the true Truth, the true Goodness, and the true Love.
These elements that make up the motto of the Montserrat 2025 millennium are the proposal that Benedictine monastic life can make to its contemporaries. They show that life has meaning if lived consistently with certain principles; they show that happiness is possible if we put our abilities at the service of others; they show that God constantly urges us to become better people and to build a better society.

Reading as a symbol of culture and culture as an expression of the beauty of the human soul. Since ancient times, monasteries have been places of knowledge transmission: libraries, scriptoria, or music are clear examples. Culture elevates the human spirit and brings it closer to God.
These elements that make up the motto of the Montserrat 2025 millennium are the proposal that Benedictine monastic life can make to its contemporaries. They show that life has meaning if lived consistently with certain principles; they show that happiness is possible if we put our abilities at the service of others; they show that God constantly urges us to become better people and to build a better society.
Link to the website of the Escolania de Montserrat.

It is then that we can understand that work becomes an instrument of personal fulfillment and world transformation. Effort, perseverance, tenacity, and work that is well done and patient are typical of the nonconformist, of one who believes that a better world is possible.
These elements that make up the motto of the Montserrat 2025 millennium are the proposal that Benedictine monastic life can make to its contemporaries. They show that life has meaning if lived consistently with certain principles; they show that happiness is possible if we put our abilities at the service of others; they show that God constantly urges us to become better people and to build a better society.

Rege te ipsum
The monastic tradition teaches us that knowing oneself and taking control of one’s own life is the source of true freedom. That freedom allows us to live according to principles and values that give meaning to our existence and, ultimately, makes us understand that true happiness is found in serving others.
These elements that make up the motto of the Montserrat 2025 millennium are the proposal that Benedictine monastic life can make to its contemporaries. They show that life has meaning if lived consistently with certain principles; they show that happiness is possible if we put our abilities at the service of others; they show that God constantly urges us to become better people and to build a better society.

In comunitate
What is Montserrat? Montserrat is, indeed, a Benedictine monastic community. But Montserrat is also a larger community, formed by all the men and women who feel identified with it. This great community teaches us that together we can walk towards the future without fear, with strength, and with hope.
These elements that make up the motto of the Montserrat 2025 millennium are the proposal that Benedictine monastic life can make to its contemporaries. They show that life has meaning if lived consistently with certain principles; they show that happiness is possible if we put our abilities at the service of others; they show that God constantly urges us to become better people and to build a better society.
Link to Benedictine Spirituality.