
INCOME Tourism Project. Meeting in Malta
On 4, 5 and 6 June, a new meeting of INCOME Tourism Project took place in Malta. The objective was to put in common and develop the tasks and actions that will begin in the pilot test of the next course 2019 - 2020. During the workshop, representatives of the companies that will welcome the students in practices and the six universities, established the agenda of actions of the next months.
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Ràfols Casamada and Maria Girona: ‘The Possible Equilibrium’ at MDM
Montserrat’s Museum (MDM) presents, until May 5, 2019, an in-house production exhibition, curated by art historian Bernat Puigdollers, which deepens into the intimate und personal world of Maria Girona and Albert Ràfols Casamada and gets into the roots that link both their paths, divergent and personal but at the same time close and convergent. The possible equilibrium is the result of a long research process that contributes with numerous so far unseen aspects of their careers. They are gathe...

‘Image & Likeness'; sculptures by Salvador Juanpere at MDM
Salvador Juanpere's extensive career as a sculptor is marked by strong questions about the raison d'être of sculpture, which combines with a great respect for the daring sculptors who came before him, from whom he draws thoughts, shares ideas about what the origin of the shape would be, and speculates with them, with philosophers and writers about the complexities of this craft. With the aim of playing down the supposed genius of artistic work, he has drawn up a conceptual map of everything that...

INCOME Tourism Project. Meeting in Croatia
The last month of September did take place in the University of Split (Croatia) a follow-up meeting of the INCOME Tourism Project.
Montserrat partipates in this project, funded by the European Union, with the objective to create a laerning model of soft skills, based on university - company collaboration, tryin to establish a dual education model.
Progress was made in the definition of the model and the concretion of the pilot test of the project.
More information: http://income-tourism-p...

Exhibition by Enrique Asensi at Montserrat’s Museum
Sala Daura in Museu de Montserrat (MDM) houses, from April 20th to October 7th, the exhibition Mirrors of Stone, by Enrique Asensi. The 25-work exhibition –some of them unpublished, small and big size sculptures- seeks to offer a closer look at Asensi’s geometric abstraction. It displays a selection of his indoor works, sheltered by the imposing beams and girders of Josep Puig i Cadafalch supporting the ceiling. As Berger argues, “art does not help explain the mysterious. What art does is make i...

the exhibition The Silence of the Pomegranates by Andrea Torres Balaguer
Espai d’Art Pere Pruna (MDM) houses –from July 7th to Nov. 11th- the exhibition The Silence of the Pomegranates by Andrea Torres Balaguer, with around 30 photographies, some of them big size. The work of this Young Barcelonian artist is influenced by dreams and surrealism, exploring the relationship between femininity and nature by means of symbolism and the dream transcription technique. Inspired by references to magical surrealism and the theory of psychoanalysis, her i...