

''Mediterrani'', una gran antològica de Joan Barbarà en el MDM

'Mediterrani', Joan Barbarà’s great retrospective at MDM

Sala Daura at Montserrat’s Museum holds a tribute exhibition to Joan Barbarà, considered one of the best Catalan engravers of the 20th century. Entitled Mediterrani , the exhibition gathers one hundred works –among engravings, oil paintings and drawings- and examines subjects such as landscape, architecture, and the products from the earth and the sea. Among the works that can be seen at Montserrat are several series of engravings. The section Empúries, inici d&rsquo...
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'Vanitas' - Biblioteques, de Carles Gabarró a l'MDM

'Vanitas' - Libraries, by Carles Gabarró at MDM

The exhibition Vanitas – Libraries consists of a selective, intimate series of sixteen works about libraries which the painter Carles Gabarró carried out between August and October 2006, and had never been exhibited yet . On scaffolding-like orthogonal structures the artist gathers books and personal objects developing a library. A library is, according to tradition, the private, solemn place where thoughts and culture are built and preserved. These libraries are punctuated with s...
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"Mirades a la memòria", fotos de Francesc Esteve al MDM

"Reflections on the Past", photographs by Francesc Esteve at MDM

Espai d’Art Pere Pruna, at Montserrat (MDM), houses a photography exhibition by Francesc Esteve (Sabadell, 1932) named ‘Reflections on the Past’. The show is made up of around eighty black and white photos, most of them taken between the 50s and the 60s and is linked to the Italian Neorealism. Through his photos, Francesc Esteve earns a position in the social photographic chronicle of our country, since he has been able to capture a period and a town: Sabadell. “I have...
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"El sentit del buit" de Joan Furriols al MDM

"The Meaning of Vacuum” by Joan Furriols, at MDM

The exhibition The Meaning of Vacuum collects 70 works that examine “the fragility and intimacy accompanying the personal iconography, usually tragic, sometimes ironic, that invite us to take a breather for meditation”, as expressed by Àlex Mitrani, the exhibition’s guest curator. Father Josep de C. Laplana, director of Montserrat’s Museum, explains that, despite his age, Joan Furriols “amazes for his modernity; the most humble and every-day things become,...
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III Festival Internacional Orgue de Montserrat. Abat Cassià M. Just, in memoriam

3rd International Festival Montserrat’s Organ Abat Cassià M. Just, in memoriam.

Great artists, choral and chamber music ensembles gather around Montserrat’s organ in order to offer the great classical and contemporary repertoire. Financed by Montserrat’s Abbey and " Obra Social Caixa Penedès”, the international festival has been directed by F. Jordi-Agustí Piqué, under the guidance by organist Miquel González. F. Manel Gasch, Montserrat’s abbey administrator, coordinates the whole project.   Catalunya M&uacut...
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Nature and origin of life according to Waltraud Maczassek

The German artist Waltraud Maczassek, who settled down in Barcelona and resides now in Penedès area, shows the exhibition Parallel Universes –at Montserrat’s Museum’s Sala Pere Daura until June 9th – a collection of thirty mixed-technique works –sculpture / acrylic- through cuttings carved with her fingers, leaving traces. Waltraud Maczassek’s work, mostly pictorial, draws its inspiration from nature to depict interior landscapes, and is closely align...
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