

Santa Cecília's Monastery becomes a new artistic area

Santa Cecília’s monastery in Montserrat and its annexed buildings will be restored thanks to an agreement between Diputació de Barcelona –financer of the works- and Montserrat’s Abbey –proprietor of the architectural ensemble. F. Abbot Josep M. Soler and Diputació de Barcelona’s president, Salvador Esteve, have just signed a collaborative agreement by means of which Diputació will provide eight-hundred thousand euros which will contribut...
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Montserrat dóna una imatge de Sant Benet a la Sagrada Família de Barcelona

Montserrat donates an image of St Benedict to the Sagrada Família in Barcelona

According to the artist, ‘in his youth, the Saint’s figure interprets the strong personality of the patron saint of Europe, also considered the patron saint of Western Europe’s monastic life’. ‘After studying his biography –with the emotional support of F. Alcuí M. Serras, a.c.s- we have interpreted a young, courageous, strong-handed man. With hands that have built monasteries, but have prayed and blessed as well’ explains Manuel Cusachs. These S...
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Basilica closed from 2pm to 6pm on week days

Montserrat’s basilica will be closed for two weeks from 2pm to 6pm due to the organ’s tuning works. It will be from 9th to 13th March and from 16th to 20th March. However, the throne of the Virgin will be open as usual, visitors can access the throne through the Ave Maria Way, on the left side of the atrium. 
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Joaquim Chancho mostra a Montserrat un repàs de 40 anys d’obra gràfica

Joaquim Chancho presents a review of 40 years of graphic art in Montserrat

A selection of the original graphic art by Joaquim Chancho, produced between 1972 and 2013, composed of serigraphs, etchings and lithographs, can be seen at Espai d’Art Pere Pruna in Montserrat’s Museum (MDM) from 10th November to 15th March 2015. The exhibition –named Estampes (Prints) - is made up of forty pieces produced from different techniques – some of them in collaboration with artists and different graphic art workshops in Barcelona. According to curator Ant&ogr...
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Els teixits coptes del Museu de Montserrat surten a la llum

Montserrat’s Museum brings its Coptic textiles to light

Montserrat’s Museum presents, until Nov. 2nd, an unprecedented exhibition of Coptic textiles. It is the completion of a long process of work, study and restoration, which started after they were donated to the Monastery in 1999 by Soler Vilabella family. The exhibition ‘The Coptic Textiles of Montserrat’s Museum: The Soler Vilabella collection’ has worth beyond the textile typologies it gathers. Its importance lies especially in all the historiography that contextualiz...
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Antològica de Josep Maria Subirachs al Museu de Montserrat

Josep Maria Subirahcs retrospective in Montserrat's Museum

Espai d'Art Pere Pruna at MDM houses a small retrospective exhibition with various sculptures by Josep Maria Subirachs, offering a representative sample of his different artistic periods. The Barcelonian artist, who passed away last April 7th, has been one of the most emblematic Catalan sculptors. He has led a solid, world-renowned career. The show –open until autumn- contains a small group of feminine figures that still give off the ‘Noucentisme’ movement’s influences o...
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