

Inauguració de l'exposició 'Geografies emocionals' de Josep Guinovart al Museu de Montserrat

'Emotional Geographies' by Josep Guinovart at Sala Daura in Montserrat’s Museum

It is made up of an accurate selection of some fifty works by this Barcelonian artist, from Fundació Espai Guinovart d’Agramunt, from Centre d’Obra Gràfica Josep Guinovart, and from other private collections. Maria Guinovart –the daughter of the artist- and Yolanda Alonso, are the curators of an exhibition with a selection that approaches us to the internal and external journey of one of the most relevant figures of Catalan contemporary art. It will be the first time that Montserrat’s Museum h...
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Inauguració de l'exposició 'Les Variacions Rocamora' de Jaume Rocamora al Museu de Montserrat

Opening of the exhibition 'The Rocamora Variations' by Jaume Rocamora at Montserrat’s Museum

In this exhibition Rocamora shows the need to express himself with refined geometry, which never deprived him from creating warmer and more attractive works, in terms of form and material. He achieves this by means of cardboard, fabrics and paper pulp, distancing himself from the extreme minimalisms which characterize synthetic materials. This warmth is most likely to manifest itself in the embossed prints now on display. Jaume Rocamora has employed this procedure for years and, motivated by a...
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L'Escolania de Montserrat no cantarà el dia 23 de gener

The Boys' Choir of Montserrat will not sing on 23rd of January

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The Holy Grotto trail is closed

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On December 7th the Choirboys will only sing during Vespers (6:45pm)

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Notice of strike in rackrailway (cremallera) and funiculars: 24th and 25th of September

Due to the strike called by the worker’s delegates for  24th and 25th of September we inform that the Montserrat rack railway and funiculars will not circulate between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and between 15:10 p.m. and 18:10 p.m. The strike affects all rackrailway circulations between Monistrol and Montserrat and the funiculars. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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