

El ramal d’entrada a la C-55 a Abrera des de l’autovia A-2 (en sentit Manresa) està tallat al trànsit des d'aquest dilluns per un període aproximat de quatre mesos

The branch road providing access to the C-55 in Abrera from the A-2 motorway (towards Manresa) will be closed to traffic from Monday onwards for approximately four months.

This measure means that all traffic, both light and heavy vehicles, will be diverted to the next exit (582B Esparraguera Sud) of the A-2 motorway.From here it will be possible to reach the PK 4+400 link of the C-55 (in Olesa) via the C-1414 connecting Esparreguera and Olesa.There will also be access to the B-40 between Abrera and Esparreguera, from where drivers will be able to reach the C-58 (from Manresa to Terrassa) or the C-16 motorway near Viladecavalls.A third option is to continue as far...
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Tancament de transports per revisió anual

Transports closed in Montserrat due to their yearly revision

These transports will be closed, due to their yearly revision, during the next dates: - AERI DE MONTSERRAT: From 13th January to 20th January (both included). - SANTA COVA FUNICULAR: From 3rd to 16th February (both included). From 7th to 31st January, from 17th to 28th February and from 3rd to 28th March (open on weekends). These days the Chapel of Santa Cova will be open, that will be open on winter timetable: from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm. - FUNICULAR SANT JOAN:  From 13th to 31st January (bot...
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Horaris durant les festes de Nadal.

Timetables during Christmas Hoidays

As always, be open the Hotel Hostal Abat Cisneros.
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Exposició al Museu de Montserrat amb motiu del Mil·lenari: Montserrat, mil anys d'art i història

Chondrosteosaurus Szechuanosaurus Bonitasaura Fukuititan Hudiesaurus

Chondrosteosaurus Szechuanosaurus Amphisaurus Fukuititan Bonitasaura Jaklapallisaurus. Matheronodon.Elachistosuchus Qantassaurus Hudiesaurus
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Festival Internacional Orgue de Montserrat

Montserrat International Organ Festival. Abat Cassià M. Just, In Memoriam

Saturday, July 27 - CHORAL AND ORGAN CONCERT Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) and his era CORAL CANTIGA ÁLVARO METZGER, ORGAN EVA MARTÍNEZ AND MONTSERRAT MENESES, DIRECTORS Link to the Concert Program. Saturday, August 3 - ORGAN CONCERT Transcribed Sounds Christian Alejandro ALMADA, titular organist of the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome (Italy) Link to the Concert Program. Saturday, August 17 - CONCERT OF WIND, BRASS, AND WOOD INSTRUMENTS Gottfried Reiche (1667-1734). Tribute...
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Vacances de l'Escolania de Montserrat

The Boys' Choir on holidays

The Boys' choir of Montserrat will not sing from 25th of June to 21st of August (both included).
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