Pastoral welcome

The Centre de Coordinació Pastoral (Pastoral Coordination Centre) coordinates the different pastoral activities at the sanctuary, both the regular religious ceremonies that take place in the basilica and services organised for particular pilgrimages or groups.
Prayer. All pilgrims and visitors to do so wishing may join the monks in the prayers that take place in the basilica every morning (lauds), and in the conventual mass and evening prayers (vespers). In addition, all are welcome at the prayer service at which the Boys’ Choir sings the Salve and the Virolai. See times.
Collective pilgrimages. Parishes, catechism classes, groups of young people, etc. are all welcome to organise pilgrimages to Montserrat. Besides taking part in the regular ceremonies at the sanctuary, such parties can also arrange specific pastoral services for the group (prayer meetings, reception and farewell ceremonies, etc) and, where possible, a meeting with one of the monks.

Religious services
Weekdays from Monday to Saturday schedules
7.30 am : Lauds
11.00 am : Conventual mass. Booking
1.00 pm : From Monday to Friday: Salve and Virolai by Boys' Choir. Booking
1:00 pm : Saturdays: Salve and Virolai sung by pilgrims
6.15 pm : Rosary
6.45 pm : Vespers
7.30 pm : Mass (only on Saturday and eve of precept)
Sundays and holidays schedules
7.30 am : Lauds
11.00 am : Conventual mass. Booking
12.00 pm : Salve and Virolai by Boys' Choir
1.00 pm : Mass
6.15 pm : Rosary
6.45 pm : Vespers. Salve and Motet by Boys' choir